Xtreme Fitness Gyms
Xtreme Fitness Gyms is a rapidly growing chain of fitness clubs that has made a name for itself since 2012. With over 100 locations and ambitious plans to expand to 227 clubs by 2027, Xtreme Fitness Gyms focuses on modernity and professionalism. Their success is based on three pillars: advanced equipment, qualified staff and innovative technologies that guarantee the highest quality of service. Among these technologies, a key role is played by the auditomat® system, which enables the maintenance of uniform standards across all facilities, ensuring the safety, comfort and satisfaction of thousands of customers.
Xtreme Fitness gyms
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The Challenge
Xtreme Fitness Gyms, a growing franchise chain, had to ensure consistent standards across all locations. This required standardized audits, covering cleanliness, technical efficiency, safety and the visual aspect of the clubs. The dynamic growth of the chain and the need to integrate systems necessitated the implementation of an automated quality management solution. The implementation of auditomat® allowed for effective monitoring and enforcement of standards in real time. The previous system did not work with the new operating software, and auditomat® made it possible to standardize audit procedures and support managers in their daily duties, ensuring quality service.
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The solution
The auditomat® system has significantly streamlined daily tasks at Xtreme Fitness Gyms, primarily by automating audit processes. Generating reports in the blink of an eye allows for the rapid transfer of information, which translates into immediate decision-making. Centralizing data in one place makes it easy to analyze and review audit results, and the intuitive interface makes the system easy to use for all staff. With auditomat®, reporting is done in real time, allowing for instant identification and resolution of problems. Analytical functions, such as Pareto analysis, enable effective identification of key areas for improvement. The system enables immediate corrective action, minimizing risk and allowing ongoing monitoring of progress, which is key to maintaining high quality standards.
In the first instance, the auditomat® system supported the customer with 5S audits, and then further audit types were introduced, which were integrated so that all audits could be managed from one place. This made audit documentation always available at hand, on the computer and on the phone. Once the audit is completed, all reports are automatically forwarded to the people concerned. The person responsible for a particular site can easily access all information related to the selected area in one place.
In order to create a single data source from which information from multiple audits, such as 5S audits, health and safety audits, and Quality audits, audomat® was used to digitize all types of audits performed at the company. This centralization of data has enabled the client to take a more holistic approach to process management and make faster decisions based on comprehensive analysis. All audit results, nonconformities and corrective actions are available in one intuitive system, increasing convenience and management efficiency. With this solution, the client can more easily monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of activities and take appropriate steps to improve processes and standards in the organization.
The business effect
In response to the growing challenges of quality management in a rapidly expanding chain, Xtreme Fitness Gyms has implemented the audomat® system. This innovative technological tool has revolutionized the auditing process, replacing previous, less effective methods. Thanks to its intuitive interface, the application is easy to use, significantly saving time for managers such as Sara Wyjadłowska, Manager of Standards. auditomat® not only mapped existing processes, but also introduced new functionalities such as expanded reports and non-compliance logs, enabling more detailed control and analysis.
The implementation of auditomat® has enabled Xtreme Fitness Gyms to maintain consistent quality standards across all locations, which is crucial for the franchise network. The system provides real-time insight into the status of each facility, making it easier for managers to monitor and respond to any problems. As a result, audits have become faster and more efficient, and documentation is always available on a computer and smartphone. Automatically generated reports make it easier to analyze results and make decisions, resulting in better service quality and greater customer satisfaction.

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Marek Mirowski

Marek Mirowski

Product Owner
Maja Stogowska

Maja Stogowska

Customer assistant
A system to support the conduct of audits, quality control and nonconformities management
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