Functions auditomat


Statistics & Reports

auditomat® supports analysis of audit results, monitoring of trends and identification of major problem areas. The statistics function provides a clear depiction of the data, making it easier for auditors to make quick and effective decisions and corrective actions.

Statistics of audit results

Analyzing audit results is a function that allows a detailed evaluation of each audit. Users can view the results for the entire department, a specific department or specific areas for comparison.

Ongoing monitoring of trends

Ongoing trend monitoring is a module that allows users to track changes over time. By analyzing month-by-month charts, users can quickly identify trends and dynamics in audit results. This function provides information on monthly, quarterly and annual averages, enabling monitoring of current directions and changes in audit results.

Statistics of nonconformities and actions

In the area of nonconformity and action statistics, users are able to monitor various areas from the perspective of both individuals and organizational structures. Available information includes the number of open and closed nonconformities, submissions over a specific period, and statistics on auditors.

Pareto analysis

The Pareto analysis module supports in-depth analysis of audit results. Rather than just presenting an overall percentage of results, Pareto analysis focuses on identifying key problem areas.
Users can learn which criteria were most often not met, allowing them to focus on the important issues. For example, one can determine whether cleanup or security issues are the main problem by analyzing which audit questions were most often answered negatively.

Monitoring the implementation of the schedule

This real-time functionality allows for effective tracking of the progress of planned audits. Unlike traditional, paper-based forms of audits, which make it difficult to determine how many were completed as planned and how many were not, in auditomat® this process is simple and transparent. We can accurately monitor which area was most often overlooked, as well as assess whether audits were completed as scheduled.

Statistics of audit results

Statistics of audit results

Statistics of nonconformities and actions

Statistics of nonconformities and actions

Monitoring the implementation of the schedule

Monitoring the implementation of the schedule

Audit realization

Audit realization

Nonconformities statistics

Nonconformities statistics




Trends auditomat

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Poligal auditomat
"Thanks to the support of the auditors' work with the platform, the areas that are most important to us are verified more often and with greater accuracy. To complete the audit, the auditor must go through all audit questions and approve each area. We observed that thanks to this, more problems and potentially hazardous events are reported, which has an impact on the safety improvement in the plant. We see also more positive developments at the production section."
Izabela Hamal
R&D Engineer @ Oben Group Poland (before: Poligal)
Thule auditomat
I can see that thanks to the platform some areas look more transparent to us, there’s order in them. We can react to any nonconformities in them immediately, earlier. Without the help of the tool it sometimes took us up to 2 weeks for the nonconformity to appear on the list of things to fix.
Mateusz Berg
Production Specialist (Region Europe & ROW) @ Thule Sp. z.o.o.
Tomasz Król auditomat
"I often see audits carried out by halves. There are several reasons. The most common are: auditors not having time, not applying themselves or not wanting to incur audited colleagues' displeasure. I recently came up with a brilliant solution. auditomat® does the trick. The audit can be carried out by everyone on their own, auditors don't have to waste time entering data, counting points and compiling results. Everything is being made by itself. Definitely worth checking out."
Tomasz Król
Founder of the Institute of Development of Production
Classen auditomat
We’ve been using this solution since 2022. Thanks to it we’ve been able to shorten the time of audit preparatory and after-audit procedures, as well as the time of audit itself. It’s a complete revolution! Before it was introduced our internal audits absorbed a lot of time of both auditors (preparing a database, printing mark sheets as well as the analysis of the register of corrective and remedial actions) and the supervisors of the audited areas.
Cezary Palewski
Production Director @ Classen-Pol S.A.

The system offers various statistical analysis options, including:

  • Statistics of audit results: Detailed evaluation of audit results at various levels (department, area).
  • Trend monitoring: Tracking changes in audit results over time (monthly, quarterly, annually).
  • Nonconformity and action statistics: Monitoring key metrics related to nonconformities and corrective actions.
  • Pareto analysis: Identifying and prioritizing key problem areas by focusing on the most frequently occurring issues.

The system includes a real-time monitoring feature for tracking the progress of scheduled audits. This provides a clear overview of which audits have been completed and which are overdue, facilitating better planning and execution.

By focusing on the most frequently occurring issues, Pareto analysis helps organizations prioritize their efforts and address the most critical problems first. This leads to a more efficient and effective use of audit resources.

By providing access to comprehensive data analysis and reporting features, auditomat® empowers users to make data-driven decisions regarding audit planning, resource allocation, and corrective actions. This leads to continuous improvement in audit processes and overall organizational performance.

By providing clear visualizations of audit data and identifying key trends and patterns, the statistical analysis function empowers auditors and management to make informed decisions regarding corrective actions, resource allocation, and overall process improvement.

Contact person

Marek Mirowski

Marek Mirowski

Product Owner
Maja Stogowska

Maja Stogowska

Customer assistant
A system to support the conduct of audits, quality control and nonconformities management
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