implementation auditomat


Quality control

The implementation of auditing in the area of quality control is a step towards improving production processes, eliminating quality problems and ensuring that each manufactured product meets the highest quality standards.

auditomat® provides an invaluable tool to support the execution and documentation of audits from the perspective of individual production lines, workstations or machines, focusing on monitoring the compliance of individual process stages with the established quality standards. In addition to supporting process quality control, the system also automates detailed analysis and quality audits of the products themselves produced in the audited areas - allowing the inspector to effectively verify compliance with quality requirements.

Whether it is a process or product audit, all identified nonconformities are automatically entered into the appropriate register. This allows effective planning of corrective actions and continuous monitoring of their implementation in real time, completely eliminating delays in the flow of information.

Dedicated records of detentions and nonconformities

The system also allows dedicated registers to be maintained for particularly serious notifications. Detections of critical nonconformities, requiring immediate production stoppage, can be recorded in the stoppage register. The easy way of collecting detailed data on the place of occurrence, the product (quantity and batch) along with the cause, allows detailed analysis and the introduction of effective corrective actions to eliminate the risk of recurrence. This allows you to closely monitor processes, identify the most common problems and effectively manage production quality.

Effective execution of audits according to any frequency scheme - schedule, based on the basis of any defined simple checklist or an extensive audit sheet covers only a part of the processes related to quality control. That's why auditomat® also allows you to keep dedicated registers of nonconformities, problems, or improvement ideas, to which any person (with appropriate authorizations) can easily add an entry by phone, enriching it with full photo documentation. Based on the area and type of report, the system automatically informs the appropriate group of people when a new entry appears.

Automation and standardization of quality management

auditomat® comprehensively automates and standardizes quality management processes, enabling effective monitoring of compliance with procedures and standards. Thanks to the centralization of collected data in a single system, the user receives a tool that allows to perform advanced and relevant analyses. Historical data combined with monitoring of the current state translates into the possibility of introducing or increasing the effectiveness of the continuous improvement process. This leads to improvements in both the quality management system and operational processes, enabling flexible adaptation to changing external and internal conditions.

Effective process improvement is a key element in ensuring the growth of any organization.

3 key features

Advanced scheduling module

Advanced scheduling module

Different types of queries
Different types of queries auditomat

Different types of queries

Advanced action plan

Advanced action plan

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Case study auditomat
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Poligal auditomat
"Thanks to the support of the auditors' work with the platform, the areas that are most important to us are verified more often and with greater accuracy. To complete the audit, the auditor must go through all audit questions and approve each area. We observed that thanks to this, more problems and potentially hazardous events are reported, which has an impact on the safety improvement in the plant. We see also more positive developments at the production section."
Izabela Hamal
R&D Engineer @ Oben Group Poland (before: Poligal)
Thule auditomat
I can see that thanks to the platform some areas look more transparent to us, there’s order in them. We can react to any nonconformities in them immediately, earlier. Without the help of the tool it sometimes took us up to 2 weeks for the nonconformity to appear on the list of things to fix.
Mateusz Berg
Production Specialist (Region Europe & ROW) @ Thule Sp. z.o.o.
Tomasz Król auditomat
"I often see audits carried out by halves. There are several reasons. The most common are: auditors not having time, not applying themselves or not wanting to incur audited colleagues' displeasure. I recently came up with a brilliant solution. auditomat® does the trick. The audit can be carried out by everyone on their own, auditors don't have to waste time entering data, counting points and compiling results. Everything is being made by itself. Definitely worth checking out."
Tomasz Król
Founder of the Institute of Development of Production
Classen auditomat
We’ve been using this solution since 2022. Thanks to it we’ve been able to shorten the time of audit preparatory and after-audit procedures, as well as the time of audit itself. It’s a complete revolution! Before it was introduced our internal audits absorbed a lot of time of both auditors (preparing a database, printing mark sheets as well as the analysis of the register of corrective and remedial actions) and the supervisors of the audited areas.
Cezary Palewski
Production Director @ Classen-Pol S.A.

auditomat® supports the execution and documentation of audits across various aspects of production, including individual production lines, workstations, and machines. This enables the monitoring of process compliance with established quality standards. Furthermore, the system facilitates detailed analysis and quality audits of the produced products themselves.

All identified nonconformities are automatically entered into appropriate registers within auditomat®. This enables effective planning and real-time monitoring of corrective actions, eliminating delays in addressing quality issues.

auditomat® allows for dedicated registers to be maintained for critical nonconformities, such as those requiring immediate production stoppage. The system enables detailed recording of critical incidents, including location, product details, and the cause, facilitating thorough analysis and the implementation of effective corrective actions to prevent recurrence.

By centralizing data collection and enabling advanced analysis, auditomat® provides valuable insights into quality performance. This historical data combined with real-time monitoring allows for continuous improvement of quality management systems and operational processes, enabling organizations to adapt effectively to changing internal and external conditions.

auditomat® extends beyond traditional audits by allowing for the recording of nonconformities, problems, and improvement ideas from any authorized individual. This broader perspective ensures a comprehensive approach to quality control and continuous improvement within the organization.

Contact person

Marek Mirowski

Marek Mirowski

Product Owner
Maja Stogowska

Maja Stogowska

Customer assistant
A system to support the conduct of audits, quality control and nonconformities management
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